The scene: First
and foremost, thanks to anyone reading this, anyone who has ever downloaded a
TWG release or read one of my articles. Also a huge thanks to Jellica, Arnie ‘EGR’
Holder, Roboctopus, James York, n00bstar, bryface, Auxcide, Vincent Chang, Vegas
Diamond and probably countless others I can’t remember right now for supporting
the review side of TWG with either kind words or general niceness. Thanks also
to the general nice guys in the scene who make working in it such a fucking
pleasure: Kuma, SketchMan3 (I hope I’m forgiven for that PM haha), James
Primate, Arnie ‘EGR’ Holder (he deserves two mentions), Andrew Gould, Mikee
Teevee, Curtis Ware, Chad Roose, Alex
Wimmer, the chipmusic.org community and everyone
me and Alex have worked with on WeeklyTreats and Pxl-Bot. Again, there are countless more but space permitting
and all that.
The TWG ‘Crew’: First
off a massive thanks to Tommy Nicholson for the TWG typography and his
continued support. Also, a huge thanks to the artists who have released with TWG
for trusting me with their outstanding work; Düane ‘Starpilot’ Aberle, Jos van ‘Fauxhound’
Beek, Breakbeat ‘The Geordie’ Heartbeat, Jack Vanoudenaren, Tanner ‘turtlesaur’
Hughes and Michael ‘boaconstructor/The Cunt’ Bradley and anyone else with
forthcoming releases (you know who you are ~secrets~). Likewise, thanks to
anyone who sent in to have their stuff reviewed, and anyone else who
contributed to content.
Holy Konni: for giving me a
mattress on his floor when I visited for a week, and giving me a fucking
amazing time in the beautiful Sweden (when I wasn’t asleep). Also thanks for
putting up with my borderline-worrying inability to pick up ANY of the language
(though I still remember how to say “You fucking cunt”) and for your early
support of Pxl-Bot, with both artwork and trusting us with your releases.
Victor Arce: for your
continued supplying of outstanding artwork to TWG and Pxl-Bot, as well as your
incredible support on WeeklyTreats, we literally would be but a shadow of our stature
if it were not for your involvement, and for that WE thank you dearly. We are definitely
lucky to have you.
Brandon Hood: for being old
as shit and having a broken caps lock key. Also for being probably the nicest
person in the scene, a huge pleasure to work with and an all-round legend of a
man, and involving both me and TWG in the freight train of progress that is the
Chiptune=Win project. I literally cannot wait to meet you in person.
Alex Kelly: My silent partner
and genuine brother from another hoe, I would not be writing this if it weren’t
for him, in literally every way possible. For those of you not in the know,
Alex is the guy I started Pxl-Bot with, I run WeeklyTreats with and who
supported both actively and passively the continuation of TWG. Anyone who has
released on Pxl-Bot (especially), TWG or worked with us on WeeklyTreats owes
this man something. Also thanks for our business lunches. Seriously, shit goes
down when Alex & Andy are having a business lunch (WeeklyTreats is the
direct product of a two hour conversation in Subway).
So, to another year~~~
Andrew K